Dr. allan spreen 7 deadly drugs
Dr. allan spreen 7 deadly drugs

In this Perspective, we examine bench to bedside aspects of CAB-LA treatment and development, starting from the biochemical basis of HIV-1 integration and pharmacological inhibition of integrase catalysis. Cabotegravir (CAB)-LA, which inhibits integrase strand transfer activity, has in recent clinical trials been shown to prevent HIV-1 acquisition more effectively than once-daily oral dosed reverse transcriptase inhibitors.

dr. allan spreen 7 deadly drugs

Long-acting (LA) injectable HIV-1 enzyme inhibitors are at the same time being developed to sidestep adherence noncompliance issues that can arise from self-administered once-daily oral dosing regimens. Once-daily pills composed of two different reverse transcriptase inhibitors are moreover approved as preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) treatment for virus naïve individuals who may partake in behaviors associated with increased risk of HIV-1 acquisition such as unprotected sex or injection drug use. Three different drug compounds are commonly prescribed for people living with HIV as once-daily oral tablets. By contrast, small molecule inhibitors of the HIV-1 enzymes reverse transcriptase, integrase, and protease have been developed that effectively block virus replication. Although vaccination is the most common preexposure route to prevent acquisition of viral disease, scalable efficacious vaccination strategies have yet to be developed for HIV-1. The retrovirus HIV-1 is the etiological agent of the decades-long AIDS pandemic.

Dr. allan spreen 7 deadly drugs